So My shorty and I are at the CheeseCake Factory (free promotion) and we are in line waiting to be seated. A white gentleman brushes a younger white gentleman who seems to be around 20 to 25 years of age. The younger of the two shouts out "Yo Nigga watch where the hell you goin" His friend who was around the same age group and was also white yells out "Yea nigga you scumb". My girl and I stood lost out of our damn mind. If you think we we're lost, imagine what was going through the older white gentlemans head. Honestly I was waiting for either of the young dudes to look at me or my girl in any matter at all so they couldve got the beaten of their life. For the record my shorty can scrap too. So the question hit me... since when did Nigga become a word that white people call each other or say period. Another question hit me after that... Nigger or Nigga and whats the difference. How the hell did Nigger become Nigga. And why was i willing to whoop this "niggas" ass
Most people would be quick to blame Hip Hop. Ever since the days of NWA (niggas with an attitude) hip hop has received the backlash due to our open forum and use of the word. Is hip hop to blame? I acknowledge that the word may cause hurt to those who hold that word to be offensive. Others use it as a word of fellowship. Some to this day use it as a racist lash.
It is often argued that African Americans took that word which cause so much hurt and we turned it into a way of showing that the word holds no more power against us. Hmmm.... then why would we trip if a White man calls us Nigger or Nigga at that. Racism still exist, I mean Bill O' Riley can mention Lynching a black woman with no problem. Dude from Seinfeld can use it several times on stage without huge penalty. So Nigger, Nigga, whats okay, whats not.
"Yo nigga"
Yo nigger"
I cant call it. Yall niggas let me know what you think